TREKKING ON HORSEBACK from Ghorio di Roghudi to Gambarie


Technical data

Municipalities: Roghudi, Roccaforte del Greco, San Lorenzo, Bagaladi, Cardeto, Reggio Calabria, S. Stefano

Difficulty: ER (Expert riders)

Time required: roughly 8 hours

Kilometres covered: 33.53

Ordinance Survey Map: F° Motta

At Basilicò, the Park’s riding centre provides stables while, at Gambarie, there are various accommodation facilities available to riders.

The trek

From Ghorio di Roghudi, after a number of bends along a tarmacked road, you arrive at Roghudi Vecchio. With the aid of an experienced guide you can go down to the river and follow the pathways up to Ghorio of Roccaforte, otherwise you should follow the longer tarmacked road as far as the bridge over the Amendolea River and then, through several hairpin bends, up to Ghorio.

Having ridden through the village, after about 1 kilometre, turn right onto a secondary road, asphalted initially, later a dirt track. Disregard the right turnings which lead directly to the river but head, instead, for the Colella gorge where it meets the tributary containing the Calònero Falls. Here you must ford the river and on the opposite bank follow a mule track (the fact that it is known as the Pista di Cavallo -Horse Track- is indicative) which ascends steeply (a difficult stretch) to the Croce Melia station where you can stop and water your horses. Then, you continue along a shady, easy pathway, and, after 5 kilometres, in the Piani di Cufalo locality take the road coming from Roccaforte, leading to the dam on the Menta. You take this, but only for a short stretch, because at Pietro Polito, by riding along secondary pathways, you can avoid the main tarmacked road. Passing through Piani di Nostra Signora, Piani dello Spaiaturi, Sega di Pantanizzi, Vizànola, Tre Limiti, Fragolara you arrive back at Basilicò

It is preferable to travel with a guide, otherwise it is better to follow the tarmacked road to the dam, Tre Limiti and Fragolara.

Source: Guida Naturalistica della Calabria Greca– Alfonso Picone – Rubbettino Editore – Collana Parco Culturale della Calabria Greca.

Text and photos by Dario Arcudi.


Informazioni Utili

Ideato da Dario Arcudi (347/0004785, 334/6195755) del Club Ippico dei Due Mari.