EXCURSION from Gallicianò to Grecia


Technical data

Municipality: Condofuri

Difficulty: T

Elevation difference: 200 m circa

Altitude: gateway (994 m) – Grecia (789 m)

Time required: 2 hours

Water: at Grecia there is a trough , but it is advisable to provide yourself with water at the drinking fountains en route between San Carlo and Condofuri

Ordinance Survey Map: F° 602 II ST Lorenzo

The Grecia plateau, situated between Monte Scafi and the Amendolea River, is a veritable balcony overlooking the valley. From here you may admire Roccaforte and catch a glimpse of the Aspromonte massif’s highest peaks. Down below, the Amendolea River meanders towards the sea, as if seeking to remain as long as possible among the mountains. Clusters of gigantic chestnut trees, tortured by fire and wind, stud the plateau.

A number of country houses, until not too very long ago permanently inhabited, and the remains of a small church bear witness to the intensity of the agriculture and animal husbandry carried out here. This itinerary is simple and straightforward and permits you either to combine the excursion with a visit to Gallicianò or continue by car to the top of Monte Scafi to enjoy further views. The inhabitants of Gallicianò will indicate the shortest trail leading directly up from their village to Grecia , but this is only for expert trekkers or for those travelling with a guide.

Arriving by car

Leave the SS 106 at Condofuri Marina and follow the signs for San Carlo and take the road skirting the Amendolea River which provides panoramic views of Monte Trizzi, Amendolea Vecchia and  Rocca di Lupo [The Wolf’s Fortress]. Follow the signs for Condofuri Superiore and, having crossed the river by the same name, you will find (in  the Mangani locality) the right turning for Gallicianò. After fewer than 4 kilometres and shortly before a small hamlet (le Palazzine) leave this road (which after about 1 kilometre ends at Gallicianò) turn left and take the steep trail leading to Monte Scafi. After 1.4 kilometres the road runs across a ridge with a view of Gallicianò below. Continue for less than 2 kilometres and leave the car at a gate to the right.

The hike

The narrow roadway, in part cement, in part dirt, leads down into a wood with gaps affording views of Roccaforte. You meet a forestry hut and, a short distance after a nursery, a bench from which you can enjoy a splendid view of the Amendolea River below; this is so enticing that you cannot but sit down for a while. You soon leave the wood behind and catch a glimpse of the Grecia plateau. The sparse ruins of a monastery stand close to a small house that has been restored recently. The return trip is the same as the outbound trek in reverse.

If you feel like walking a little more, leave your car at Gallicianò, having ordered lunch at the restaurant. In the immediate vicinity of the village, on the right, take a track (unavailable to cars) that ascends the mountain slope. Continue until you join the road for Monte Scafi. Take it and after 2 more kilometres you reach the gate leading to Grecia.

Fonte: Guida Naturalistica della Calabria Greca– Alfonso Picone – Rubbettino Editore – Collana Parco Culturale della Calabria Greca.


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