Proto-Papal Church of the Most Holy Annunciation


Chiesa Protopapale ss. Annunziata ( Mimmo l'Artista) 6

The thirteenth-fourteenth-century Proto-Papal Church of the Assumption or, as it is known by tradition, Santissima Annunziata [Most Holy Annunciation], situated within the town itself, close to the mediaeval Ruffo castle, underwent numerous alterations over time and is in ruins today. This is a single-nave church whose main apse protrudes externally, faces east and is flanked by two smaller apses built into the thick outer wall that has been restructured. It is possible to notice, in fact, that the older niches were broader, that they were replaced by narrowed ones and all three apses filled with masonry. The present main entrance is on the north side of the building though the original one faced south, according to tradition, and is reached by a small flight of steps. Some time after the original construction was completed, a wall was built diagonally to the south side of the nave and slightly detached from it, creating a trapezoidal space, meant most probably to contain a belltower supported by an arch. The roof was gabled. As regards the size, the church was over 14 metres long and more than 9 metres wide. A stone tabernacle and a marble statue, part of the church’s furnishings, are now kept in the church in the modern town.

LocalitaBorgo di Amendolea
Tipo Risorsachiese

how to reach us

Si raggiunge Amendolea dalla SS 106 all'altezza di Condofuri Marina. Seguire la strada che porta a Condofuri Superiore ma lasciarla per il primo ponte che s'incontra sulla destra dopo le case di S. Carlo. Percorrerlo e seguire la strada che costeggia la fiumara e conduce, in pochi chilometri, alle case del borgo dell'Amendolea.
