Little Churches of Amendolea Antica


collage chiese

Outside the walls that skirt the Ruffo di Calabria Castle there are three little churches of considerable architectural interest.

Of the twelfth-century church of Santa Caterina ‘extra moenia’ [St. Catherine outside the walls] little remains except for a few fragments of the walls, which allow us, however, to establish the size of the building, 4.4×9 metres, and its length-breadth ratio of 1:2. This building is typical of the single-nave church featuring pointed arches. It does not contain, however, the canonical apsidal niches that served as prothesis and diaconicòn in similar churches. We can presume that the doorway was in the western wall.

The church of S. Sebastiano [Saint Sebastian], ruined almost entirely by time, but above all, by roadworks, was built to an elongated rectangular plan, its apse and entrance facing west. The walls of the interior were frescoed. In the seventeenth century a three-storied belltower, with a hexagonal steeple, was build alongside it.

The church of San Nicola [St. Nicholas], which stands in the vicinity of San Sebastiano, is also outside the walls of the village and, like the others,is in ruins. The roof and nearly all the southern wall are missing. This wall contained the doorway, of which we can still see a part of the left-hand jamb. The measurements of the almost square, rectangular interior were 3.76×4.80 metres. It had an outwardly protruding apse, with a small window, flanked by a prothesis and a diaconicòn. The collapse of the end of the apsidal bowl does not allow us to calculate its curvature. Traces of the decorations that embellished the three apses are seriously faded. One can distinguish two saints, the figure in the prothesis may be St Nicholas while, in the apse, there are some panels portraying saints and a probable etimasia [empty throne].

LocalitaBorgo di Amendolea
Tipo Risorsachiese

how to reach us

Si raggiunge Amendolea dalla SS 106 all'altezza di Condofuri Marina. Seguire la strada che porta a Condofuri Superiore ma lasciarla per il primo ponte che s'incontra sulla destra dopo le case di S. Carlo. Percorrerlo e seguire la strada che costeggia la fiumara e conduce, in pochi chilometri, alle case del borgo dell'Amendolea.
